Who We Are

Flowing River operates under an elder led, unanimous consent, form of government.

The current ruling board: (right to left) Kathleen Peck, Pastor; Robert Smurthwaite, Administrator; Marcy Smurthwaite, Secretary-Treasurer.  Flowing River Church leadership is comprised of a board of ruling elders. Each member has an equal vote and all decisions require unanimous approval.

Kathleen  Peck

Kathleen oversees Flowing River in the capacity of the pastor and ruling elder. Flowing River has an elder form of government which consists of a minimum of three ruling elders.

Robert Smurthwaite

Robert is the co-leader, the Administrator and one of the ruling elders.

Marcy Smurthwaite

Marcy is also one of the ruling elders and also functions as the secretary and treasurer.

Vision and Goals

  • Our vision is to train the saints as loving servants for the enlarging the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.
  • ​We strongly believe in body ministry and provide ample opportunities for the gifts and callings of the Holy Spirit to operate through all.
  • Flowing River is a place of deep, Spirit-filled worship creating a continual atmosphere of His presence resulting in free and passionate expressions of love.
  • ​Our ongoing goal is to establish a center of prophetic healing and deliverance along with cultivating diversity in worship through the creative arts.   Music, dance, and all art forms are integral to the beauty and expansion of the Kingdom of God.
  • Fulfilling the mandate given to the church by the Lord Jesus Christ, we will continue to expand and disciple believers devoted to seeing the sick healed and the oppressed set free.
  • Go, preach, baptize, and make disciples.  Cast out demons and lay hands on the sick and they will recover.  (Mark 16:15-18)

What We Believe

  • We believe Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead for the propitiation of sin so that those who believe in HIM may repent of their sins and inherit eternal life with God.
  • We believe in one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Creator of All things.
  • We believe in water baptism and in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking with tongues as the Spirit of God give utterance (Acts 2:4), the gifts of the Spirit, and the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit.
  • We believe in walking in a manner worthy of the calling of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe the gifts of the Spirit are available to all believers.
  • We believe the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in its entirety to be the inspired word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct.
  • We are to complete the work Christ started when He said to love God with your heart, soul, strength, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.
  • We believe Jesus still heals! He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.